
Tame Range is a platform to train the incident-response ability of cybersecurity staff of your company in the virtualized cyber environment. You can train new cybersecurity staff or enhance incident-response ability of existing member in your company through realistic simulation.

Tame Range increased usability by providing systematic LMS(Learning Management System) to assist you to train your workforce the way you want.

Necessity for Introduction

Cyber threats are becoming more complex and diversified by the rapid development of ICT technology

Intelligent targeting attacks such as APT are at an increasing rate in both frequency and diversity

Cyber threats specifically targeting business for money are also increasing

Recruiting competent cybersecurity experts is difficult due to limited labor pool, thus internal training for cybersecurity experts are required for safekeeping business property from external threats

Solution function

Cyber Virtual Training

Provide intuitive training dashboard

Can run multiple training simultaneously

Automated student training scoring

Content Creation

Virtual network configuration using GUI

Can diversify existing content through module-type contents

The instructor can create contents without an additional fee

AAR (After-Action-Review)

Provide training timeline feature

Provide real-time student training screen monitoring

Provide video recording of student monitor records

Virtual Internet Environment

Support various networking devices

Automated virtual training space implementation

LMS (Learning Management System)

Access control with authority control system

Manage training and lecture history records

Can export training records